The Power of Tiny Habits: Small Shifts, Big Results

Ever felt that surge of “I’m gonna conquer the world” energy, ready to cook up something amazing? Yep, been there, done that. But, like all good things, it tends to fizzle out.

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Dealing With Changes In Life

“Who Moved My Cheese?” by Spencer Johnson is like a compass for life’s twists and turns. With charming characters like Sniff and Scurry the mice, and Hem and Haw the littlepeople, it paints a vivid picture of how we handle change.

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How to Change Our Past

We yearn to relive moments, reconnect with loved ones, and rectify mistakes. We reflect on missed opportunities with family or wish we’d put in more effort during our studies. While we can’t change what’s already occurred, we can shape what lies ahead.

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The Evolution of Our Brain….?

Charles Darwin’s “On the Origin of Species” introduced us to the concept of evolution, highlighting how nature shapes our physical traits. But what about our intellectual evolution? How does our modern society impact the development of our brains?

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Our Comfort Zone

In today’s swiftly changing world, human nature tends to resist change. It’s a deeply ingrained trait, a product of our evolution seeking stability and security.

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Too Many Choices

Every day, the same question: What should I eat? It’s a common dilemma, one I know I’m not alone in facing. Occasionally, a craving strikes, and I know exactly what to prepare. But more often than not, I find myself spending an unnecessary amount of time pondering this seemingly trivial decision.

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Tangled Habits

Do you remember the last time you held a brand new telephone cable? Sturdy, unbending, a symbol of durability. It’s the kind of cable you’d want to keep forever.

Now, fast forward a bit. That same cable, once rigid, is now a twisted, battered version of its former self. It’s been through a lot. People must have treated it poorly. Restoring its original form seems nearly impossible.

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